Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Importance of Being Naive.

The only way to live is to be naive. That is the only way in which you can truly live.
We must be naive to everything. In naiveté there is loss of fear. To be like a flower blossoming to the sun, to the rain, to the wind, to the bees. Unknowing of the next moment, of the consequence. Having no need to know how it will end. Living in the now is naive living. It is the only way to experience the richness of life, the plethora of its multitude.

In naivete there is no fear. There is absence of rules and paths, you know nothing and that is what makes you fearless, like a bird plunging into the air on its first flight.
Sometimes there is failure but even that is beautiful and it is your own.

Conditioning destroys naivete and the possibilities of life. When we approach something with an idea, notion or knowledge we approach its past. We do not allow it to present itself in its full capability. But if we approach life afresh, we approach it intelligently, with heart. We have to unlearn too much. We know more than we should and that knowing kills the spontaneity of life. It kills the blossoming of intelligence. It stains love with fear, it aborts chance before it can be born, it blots the chastity of everything sacred and what is more sacred than life itself?

Forget what they told you about risk. Forget what they told you about living. Forget what they told you about love. Forget it all. There is nothing to learn about these things. These things are not learnt, they are lived from moment to moment, from second to second. To learn about life is to halt a stream. Fall into the abyss of the unknown, let the draft of life carry you. To live life is to surrender control and trust the current of its waters to carry you to the vast sea's of its richness. To live life in the knowledge of culture or traditions of society is to deny its gift to you. In being naive there is a feeling of understanding god. In the loss of memory of fear there is robust love and a beautiful curiosity. There is amazement. Amazement at the shape of a cloud, the colour of the water, the form of a rock, the feel of earth.
Forget who you are or who you will be. Live life spontaneously, humbly, unknowing. Surrender your conditioning and fears to the power of truth that life is.

Be naive.